...beyond the reach of sights


Wednesday, 21 March 2018



The Senate of the University of Ibadan at its meeting held on Monday, 19 March 2018 and Tuesday, 20 March, 2018, considered the results of the Final Year and Non-Final Year Results for the 2016/2017 Session, respectively.

We are delighted that the performance of our students was generally good. In particular, a total of 139 of our Final Year students earned a First Class Honours degree. The Faculties of Science and Technology tied in the overall best position with 37 students in each of the Faculties finishing with First Class. Twenty one of our students in the Faculty of Law earned First Class; this is the best ever result by the Faculty since its establishment 38 years ago.

The number of first class from other Faculties include Arts (13), Agriculture (8), The Social Sciences (8), Education (7) Renewable Natural Resources (4), Public Health (2), Basic Medical Sciences (1), and Clinical Sciences (1).

Similarly, in the unclassified degree programmes, a number of students had distinction in various courses. These include 13 students in Bachelor of Physiotherapy, 13 in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and 18 with Bachelor of Pharmacy.

It is worth mentioning here that the graduating students of the 2016/2017 Class were admitted into the University of Ibadan between 2011/2012 and 2013/2014 academic sessions, depending on the specific course of study, through a very rigorous and highly competitive Post-UTME.

Empirical and verifiable data available at the University of Ibadan have shown convincingly that there has been a considerable improvement in the quality of students admitted into the University since the Post-UTME template was introduced during the 2005/2006 admission exercise.

The withdrawal rate at the end of the 100 level at the University of Ibadan had dropped from an all-time high of 12% before the introduction of Post-UTME to less than 2% (i.e. Success Rate of 98%) during the 2015/2016 session.
Unfortunately, there was no Post-UTME for the candidates admitted during the 2016/2017 session. This has been largely responsible for the comparatively poor performance of our students admitted during the last session

The total number of students in the cohort was 2,998.

It can be observed that students in the science-based disciplines in particular did not perform too well, with the pass rate being lowest at 67.5% at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. On the other hand, the Humanities-based discipline posted better results, with the best coming from the Faculty of Law at 99.2%.

For the entire University, the overall success rate averaged 85%.

Some 328 students, representing 10.9% of the total, have been advised to withdraw from the University for their inability to meet the minimum condition approved by Senate. In other words, one out of every nine of the 100 Level students did not meet the minimum condition to retain their studentship.

Moreover, another set, comprising 115 students, were unable to meet Faculty requirements and have been advised appropriately to apply for change of course.

With the restoration of Post-UTME for the new intakes, we are optimistic for an improved performance for the new students due to enroll at the beginning of the 2017/2018 session.

Moreover, Senate has taken a number of strategic decisions aimed at a continuous improvement of the standard of training and learning at the University of Ibadan. Implementation will commence with immediate effect.

All students are encouraged to apply for and collect their academic transcripts as soon as possible.

While congratulating those who performed excellently in their examinations, we send best wishes to the others.

With kind regards, always.

Idowu Olayinka
University of Ibadan

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

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