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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Jaw war'17: Female Halls outclass Male Halls.

Jaw war'17: Female Halls floors Male Halls.

The 2017 Edition of the biggest event in the University of Ibadan known as Jaw war commences in style as all Female halls of residence raped their male counterparts from Kenneth Mellanby, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Independence Halls of residence in the fight of words.

The first round session had a tug of words between Lord Tedder Hall against Kuti Hall, Mellanby Hall facing Obafemi Awolowo Hall, Alexandra Brown Hall locking horns with Sultan Bello Hall, Independence Hall facing Queen Idia Hall and Queen Elizabeth II Hall against Nnamdi Azikwe Hall.

However, at the end of the first round session, the following results were announced Tedder Hall 70.8% Vs Kuti Hall 69.8%, Mellanby Hall 62.5% Vs Awo 65%, ABH 68.6% Vs Sultan Bello Hall 71.9%, Independence Hall 66.67% Vs Idia Hall 72%, Queen Elizabeth Hall 73% Vs Nnamdi Azikwe Hall 67.3%.

The fight with the Jaw continues tomorrow with Faculties' first round to take place also.

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